Mbocayaty - a town between Villarrica, Yataity and Independencia
Mbocayaty was founded in 1680 and has about 7.000 inhabitants.
Mbocayaty is located between Yataity, Indepencencia and Villarrica on Ruta 8, where you can reach the university town of Villarrica in a few minutes. The town is irrigated by the Tebicuarymi River and is a beautiful spot for flora and fauna. On December 8, a great festival is celebrated here, the day of the Immaculate (Mary Conception)" Virgin Mary "Virgen Inmaculada Concepción".
You also have here versatile shopping possibilities, from the small dispensers ( Aunt Emma stores), to the butcher, where you get the things of daily life. But also screws, cement, wood, stone slabs and other essentials you can easily buy here.